
nic.at Domain Registry

.au – Cancellation Policy (CP)

Wenn Sie Informationen zur Cancellation Policy in Englisch oder Spanisch benötigen, dann wenden Sie sich bitte an unser Support-Team. Sie erreichen uns von Montag bis Freitag, von 8:30 - 20:30 Uhr (MEZ). 

.auDA – Complaints

auDA hat Ihr Beschwerderecht zum Ausdruck gebracht in the .AU Domain Name Suppliers' Code of Practice and the auDA Consumer Information. Das SchlundTech Complaints Support-Team unterstützt Sie bei allen Fragen, die Ihre Domains betreffen. Um SchlundTech über Ihre Beschwerde oder Ihren Disput zu informieren, schicken Sie bitte eine E-Mail an domain-support@schlundtech.de oder füllen Sie unser Kontaktformular aus. SchlundTech wird umgehend den Empfang Ihrer Nachricht bestätigen und werktags innerhalb von 48 Stunden Ihre Anfrage beantworten.


HKIRC - Complaints

  • Für Kommentare oder Beschwerden gegen SchlundTech, besuchen Sie bitte www.hkirc.hk oder schreiben Sie eine Mail an info@hkirc.hk.




Der Reseller informiert den Domain-Inhaber jährlich über seine Informationen, die bei der Registry bezüglich des Domain-Namens registriert sind und vom Reseller verwaltet wird. Der Reseller unterstützt den Domain-Inhaber bei der Aktualisierung der Informationen. Der Reseller aktualisiert kontinuierlich Änderungen an den Informationen vom Domain-Inhaber, sobald der Reseller sich dieser Veränderungen bewusst wird.



Die Qatar Domains Registry hat Ihr Beschwerderecht in dem Dokument Qatar Complaints Policy zusammengefasst. Das SchlundTech Complaints Support-Team unterstützt Sie bei allen Fragen, die Ihre Domains betreffen. Um SchlundTech über Ihre Beschwerde oder Ihren Disput zu informieren, schicken Sie bitte eine E-Mail an domain-support@schlundtech.de oder füllen Sie unser Kontaktformular aus. SchlundTech wird umgehend den Empfang Ihrer Nachricht bestätigen und werktags innerhalb von 48 Stunden Ihre Anfrage beantworten.


The Internet Infrastructure Foundation

Amendments of Terms and Conditions of registration applicable for the top-level domain .se and .nu:

The Terms and Conditions is the agreement that applies to all domain name holders and revised Terms and Conditions will enter into force on 2 January 2023. As a domain holder, you need to read through the new Terms and Conditions but you don´t have to do anything to maintain your domain name, the domain name registration is not affected.

If you have one or more .se domain or .nu domain name registered this means that the now valid version of Terms and Conditions of registration will apply until 1 January 2023. On 2 January 2023, these will be replaced by the updated Terms and Conditions of registration which applies to all domain name holders irrespectively of date of registration of the domain name.

If you register a new domain name during the period up to and including 1 January 2023 the valid version of Terms and Conditions of Registration will apply. The updated Terms and Conditions of Registration will thereafter apply to all domain name holders irrespectively of date of registration of the domain name.

Current and revised Terms and Conditions is published at https://internetstiftelsen.se/en/how-to-register-a-domain-name/terms-and-conditions-for-se-and-nu-domains/

In short, the changes made are as follows.

Revisions in the Terms and Conditions for both top-level domains .se and .nu:

  • Addition in Section 4.1.1, stating that information, provided by the domain holder, with intention to shield the identity can be considered as incorrect.
  • Clarification in Section 5.1.2, regarding automatic renewal of the registration period.
  • New wording in Section 11.4, regarding limitation of liability, meaning that The Swedish Internet Foundation shall not be liable in case of certain unforeseen events, beyond its control (force majeure).

Revisions in the Terms and Conditions for only the top-level domains .se (not applicable for .nu):

  • Addition in Section 7.3.1, stating that a petitioner, who has received approval of a transfer request under ADR procedure, must follow the given administrative instructions, or else the domain name may be deactivated and/or deregistered.

A version of the Terms and Conditions including track changes is available on request. If you have any questions, please contact The Swedish Internet Foundation at this email address: registry@internetstiftelsen.se.


Abuse-Report Handling
All complaints should be sent via the abuse contact form above or via email to domains@schlundtech.de.
Our abuse team will review the abuse report and we will start tracking the abuse report using a unique tracking ID.
Subsequently our abuse team will begin the review of the corresponding domain name, if permitted in cooperation with the domain owner or our client, respectively.

At the same time, the abuse team will inform the complainant of the abuse report and note that we will take reasonable steps and will come back to the complainant as soon as possible.

If we can't find a solution together with our/the client/domain owner we will take further action until the complaint has been resolved.
Schlund Technologies GmbH will take reasonable steps together with the corresponding registry, e.g. to suspend or delete the corresponding domain name. Once the abuse report has been resolved, we will close the unique tracking ID and keep the record for at least two years.

Abuse Point of Contact Telephone: +49 941 630 8642 1



All domains are auto-renewed on an annual or two year basis, we will send out reminder emails 30 days, 14 days, 7 days and 1 day before expiry. We will send the emails to the email address on the account, it is the registrants responsibility to make sure their contact details are up to date. SchlundTech take no responsibility if your domain renewal fails due to your contact details being incorrect. If you do not wish to renew a domain please make sure you contact us a minimum of 14 days before your domain expires by emailing us at domains@schlundtech.de. All domains will be auto renewed 14 days in advance of the domain name expiring and will be billed 30 days in advance.

If you do not renew your domain before its expiry date it will have all services we provide suspended and you will have up to 30 days (protected period) after to renew the domain name at the original renewal fee. Please log into the client portal area to view renewal fees. After 30 days your domain will be suspended and will go into a 60 day grace period which you can still renew your domain name but with an additional redemption fee of 99 EUR + VAT. This must be requested by email before the 80th day after your domain has expired, after 90 days your domain will be cancelled and deleted from the register and made available for resale through a third party registrar. SchlundTech will not guarantee the renewal of a domain name.

If you no longer wish to carry on with your contract with SchlundTech, please email me no less than 30 days before your services are due to be renewed. Your account will only be deemed as terminated once all outstanding balances have been paid in full. Domains will only be considered for transfer once all balances have been settled, SchlundTech will not charge you for transferring a domain(s) away to another registrar’s tag. The customer acknowledges that, termination of the agreement for any reason will result in SchlundTech ceasing to provide the applicable services, with the consequences that flow from such cessation, including (but not limited to), deletion of data .e.g. hosting account(s) and mail boxes.

Terms and Conditions for the Registration of Domain Names

.uk – Complaints & Abuse

The SchlundTech complaints support team will offer you assistance with any problem or request you may have concerning your domain(s). To notify SchlundTech of your complaint or dispute, please send an email to domains@schlundtech.de or fill in our contact form. SchlundTech will immediately acknowledge receipt of your email and you will receive our response within 48 hours on working days. We will automatically confirm receipt of a complaint and investigate it within three working days of receiving it. Our customer support manager will review your complaint and speak to any members of staff who have had contact with you. Our customer support manager will send you a detailed written reply to your complaint, including his/her suggestions for resolving the matter, within 21 days. If you are still not satisfied, you should contact us again and we will escalate your complaint to our departement head for review.

.uk – Customer Service Level Commitment

Please send an email to domains@schlundtech.de or fill in our contact form. The SchlundTech support team will immediately confirm receipt of your email and you will receive our response within 48 hours on working days. We are also available Monday through Friday from 08:30 to 20:30 (CET) by telephone and email.


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